Hello my dear friends, today has been a so-so day. It started great, by going to the Farmer's Market super early. I bought some kale, carrots, cucumbers, roma tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash and celery. Spent about $19 and left to go to Freshfield produce and bought some orange beets, bulb fennel, and avocado. Total spent was $26. Here the pic of my produce for this week. I decided to make a more veggie juice than a fruit juice this morning. Here is my combo. One orange beet, 4 celery stalks, 1" of ginger root, 2 cucumbers, and 1 cup of watermelon w/ rinds.
Orange Beet, more like yellow beet |
Now I usually up the watermelon to take the taste out of the beets and such. But I wanted to try out the orange beets. So I used less, I juiced the beet and it came out super YELLOW. It was a beautiful color. You always should create a rainbow juice. Mine was going to be yellow, red, green today. I drank my juice with my hubby. Then the problem began, I started feeling my throat become scratchy, it was weird. I kept drinking it and finished it but I didn't feel so good. I didn't say anything to my hubby but when we tried to go out I noticed I wasn't feeling like myself. I felt weird, almost sick to my stomach. I drank water, and ate some nuts to get passed it but I wasn't feeling so good. :( We came back home and I decided to make some fresh guacamole. One avocado, 1/2 of a roma tomato chopped, 1/2 of a tomatillo, 1/2 of a lime squeezed, and garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste. Mashed it all up and ate it like if it were porridge. I laid down and after 1 hour, I finally felt better. I'm wondering if it was the beet I put in the juice. I use red beets all the time and never had that issue. :( So when I use it again, I will only use 1/2 of it and see if my throat bothers me again. If it does then, I may be allergic to orange beets. :( That would suck.
For dinner, I didn't experiment, I made my regular Kale, carrot, cucumber, and granny apple juice. Hubby said it was sweet n sour. I told him it was from the granny apples. Thankfully, my throat didn't bother me this time. I guess because this is my last week coming in, my body is use to certain veggies. So tomorrow I will try the fennel bulb, zucchini, and yellow squash and see how my body likes it. That's it for today. Have a great night. If your looking for a juicer, here are some links you can check out. :)
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