Monday, June 11, 2012

Officially Day One...

Today it's was the official 1st day of my Juicing Detox fast. I had my morning juice which was a carrot based juice. Majority of fruits with a hint of ginger. It came out a little sour due to the lime I put in the juice. My hubby didn't care for it but drank it like a champ. So did I, I don't mind the citrus sour taste in it. Just wanted to get my Vitamin C boost for the morning.

Mean "Red" Juice
Morning was good, heading into lunch hour I pulled out my Mean Red Juice which was Beets, Parsley, Cucumber, Ginger, Lime, and Apples. It tasted almost like a fruity V-8. But it more like a V-6. LOL.  It took me a little longer to drink this one I think due to the fact my body is realizing that I'm not eating my normal foods. Even though after I had this one I felt full. My head started to give me a little headache. (that means this is the start of my body fighting) I've dealt with this before. What your body does when you give it a "shock" is you get headaches, body pains, cold sweats, chills, and feeling of getting the flu. Your body will do WHATEVER it takes to get you to go back to your normal eating habits. If your serious about changing it. Deal with it, take a nap, drink water or tea. If your starving, eat a few (NOT a bag only 5-6) unsalted (raw if you can) almonds. Your body has to realize and understand that you are not going to jump off that wagon and give yourself the proper cleansing it needs. It's like your inner child that is having a tantrum. It thrives on sugar, carbs, fried foods, all those things you enjoy that you shouldn't have or maybe crave once in a while to have. This will go on for 2-3 days for me. Maybe less or more for others, once it's over, your body will crave for the juices and you will definately see the results if you stick with it.

It's 2:30pm and I will continue to update this day as it goes by. Plus I will be posting my "before" picture of me. Be nice my people, nobody is perfect and I'm going to do this. You all are welcome to join me if you wish. Want more information on what inspired me to get started. Watch "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" it's free for people in the US to see it online. It's about real people, with one dream. "Being healthy."  See you in a bit...

Mean Green Juice
Back again, it's almost 9pm EST, I had my last juice (Mean Green Juice) at 5:30pm and I enjoyed my juice. BUT, I can't lie, my mind is thinking eat some chicken or something. I've been thinking about it since 2pm. I've been getting a few headaches here and there. Eventually it goes away after while so I try not to pay no mind to it. I drank a lot of water today which helped out and I know by doing this it can only get easier and better. I took my before picture and WOW, that's scary to show. Not sure yet if I want to post that. I still need to weigh myself, which I'll do tomorrow morning. I promise to show you my before, just give me a day to digest opening myself to let everyone to see that side of me. 

Right now I'm going to enjoy my evening Green Mint Tea w/ Cardamon pods, and watch Single Ladies and call it a night. Day one is officially over, and I survived!  For those who want to check out the trailer that started it all... Watch it now! 

Till tomorrow my peeps.


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