Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 6 Weekend is here.

Woke up this morning and even though I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day. I always feel like they aren't clean enough. :( I'm wondering if it's from the juicing the particles of the juice are getting stuck in my teeth. I'll have to ask my dentist when I go see her next time. This morning I made a refreshing Watermelon, Beet, and Carrot juice. WOW, now that's a awesome combo, woke me up and I was ready to go. I picked up my parents and went to the local farmer's market in Winter Park. It's my favorite one because it's HUGE and has 3-4 different veggie stops so you can stop and compare prices and produce.
To my surprise, I bought $21 worth of veggies and it's ALOT of veggies. Take a look! Just to give you a breakdown:

6 Beets roots
6 Fat Carrots (not the skinny ones you see at the store)
8 Cucumbers (8-9" long and 1 1/2 inches thick)
2 bunches of kale
1 bunch of Celery
9 Roma tomatoes
1 bunch of parsley
1 bunch of radishes (hidden behind the beet leaves.

You can't go wrong with that! I was super excited. Just remember to go buy veggies at the market get there EARLY. You'll get the freshest produce. My parents were so surprised of how serious I was with my juicing that they bought veggies because they now want to eat more veggies in their diet. LO...

For lunch today I made my own V8 type juice. It had Celery, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, cilantro, beets, spinach, and radishes. No fruit, I wanted to see if i could deal with drinking it just like a V8. You know, it was pretty damn good. Refreshing, but different. I added some pepper and a dash of salt and DAMN it tasted even better. Next time I'm gunna put a jalapeno to give it some kick! I'll be back later to do my dinner. But here are some pics from this morning's juice and such. See ya later. Day 6 is going great!!! :) It's a Red Juice day! :)
This was this morning's juice.
I call this "Taste the Rainbow" juice
My version of V8. Not too bad. :)

Drinking this was such a refreshing

I'm back~ Well this afternoon was quite interesting. If you read earlier this week I mentioned about being regular and that it was surprising due to me being on this fast. Today was the "liquid Draino" day for me. Thank goodness it was only one bad moment. It could of been worse. So it does happen, and it's all for the good of getting you "clean and cleared." LOL... I just hope now that my intestines and getting squeaky clean and with today's Red Mean juice I gave my Kidneys and Liver a good cleanse. Tonight's dinner was leftover my V8 juice and I did have a few slices of Red/Yellow pepper in the raw. I was at a party and that was the healthiest thing on the table. So I took a few slices of that and enjoyed chewing them slowly and in my mouth "juicing" them. I know. I'm crazy. 

Now I am about to finish up my Father's Day gift for my daddy. Can't wait to see him tomorrow! To all the Father's out there. Happy Father's Day!! 

If you have questions about juicing, you can go here and click on "PLANS" and you can try it out. 

Good Night. Day 6 is over! Yeeyay!

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