Top one was breakfast, bottom one
was lunch. :) Stackables! |
Hey y'all, Day 12 and today's juices were different from my others. Reason? Well, my mom bought me some blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. So I decided to try for my morning juice to have strawberries, blueberries, green lettuce, celery and ginger. Let me tell you this; You need a lot of blueberries (I put 3 cups of it) and strawberries (I used 10 of them) to get 4 oz of this juice. Note to file buy 3-4 pints if you want to make a juice of blueberries and strawberries. Morning juice came out not sweet but smelled awesome! Taste wise it wasn't very sweet but it was drinkable. I can't complain, I guess I'm getting use drinking them regardless of sweetness. My brain is adjusting to this thing, thank goodness! Went to work and had a great day there and for my lunch I made a Carrot, Beetroot leaves, green lettuce, celery, ginger and grape juice. That came out pretty good, sweet and very fresh. Overall, I try to do my best in this and people ask me are you going to do the full 30 days. I decided that I will go 30 days. I think by my 30 days, I will have truly change my ways of eating and continue to juice and include it in my daily meals. I'm starting to really enjoy drinking my veggies and will hope that I can start eating these veggies and have the best of both worlds.
Hot Juice! :) |
For dinner, I didn't have much veggies leftover to make a juice. Only a tomato, beets, cilantro, and radishes. Yeah I know doesn't sound to yummy. So I went to the farmer's choice (Veggie supermarket) and bought the following: jicama, jalapeno, avocado and celery. I made a juice with a tomato, cilantro, radishes w/ leaves, celery, jicama, and 1/4 of a jalapeno (de-veined and seeded). This is what the juice look like. --------------------------->

Think about these ingredients, radishes is known for the vitamin C and it's cancer protection properties. Jicama has potassium, vitamin A & C, calcium and magnesium. Tomato has a huge amount of lycopene, vitamin B6, C, and K and so many other things.
Cilantro leaves are anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and
they're a chelator (remove heavy metals from the body). Jalapenos are rich in antioxidants, is a anti-inflammatory, vitamins A and C, as well as bioflavonoids. This juice is a very nutritious one and I just added one more thing... I took my blender out and put 1 little Haas Avocado and blended the juice with it. This was my end result. A smooth, creamy drink. I fell in love when I tried it. It was by far the best drink I ever had without fruit. This one you cannot put away for the next day. This has to be consumed IMMEDIATELY. Because you can't save Avocado unless you have those machines that you can take and suck out all the air to make it airtight to save the juice. If you try to save it, it will turn dark brown and probably not taste so good.
I almost felt I was having a soup instead of a drink. I put a little garlic powder in and it just made it taste even better. I almost grabbed a spoon and started eating it like a soup. :) But I drank it, it took a while but it was a amazing dinner. :) Day 12 is over and I'm exited for tomorrow because it's Saturday and it's FARMER'S Market Day! I'll take pictures of what I find and what will be on next week's menu of juices. Have a safe weekend and remember you can contact me anytime on FB at http://www.facebook.com/#!/salsera54 and ask me anything. I will try to guide you and help you as much as I can. Good Night!
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