Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 17, Benefits of H2Omelon!

Good morning!

H2Omelon Mean Green Juice
Last night I made my morning juice, I wanted to try a mean green but instead of the typical orange or apple base. I decided to try watermelon, let me tell you, watermelon take any green and makes it sweet as pie. My ingredients were kale, chard, cucumber, carrots, ginger, and watermelon. I used a lot of kale and chard. The Mean green is GREEN I was a little scared to find out if would taste good. To my surprise, it tasted AWESOME! So to my fellow juicers, use watermelon and if you want to add some more green clean the rind well with a fruit brush and put the rind in it too! Click here to read about H2Omelon benefits of rind.

For lunch today, I made a less fruity juice, it was Kale, Chard, Carrot, Cucumber, and 1 apple. Normally I use 2 to make it sweeter. Like I said yesterday, I'm cutting out the fruit and try to make more vegetable juice. Trying to convince the hubby to drink my Avodrink, he's not convinced yet of how yummy it is. LOL... I went to the female doctor today and he looks at me and says "You look great Judy, what are you doing?" I told him I was juicing and he says "I keep hearing about this that it's something great to do" so we talked for a second about it and he says he has a juicer and might try the Mean Red. :) Also today,  where I work we have a facility in IL that take our calls. Their is a lady that I talk to and emailed her my blog. This was yesterday, and today I spoke to her and she is going to start to juice. That's crazy! Someone that I've never met in person but basically talk to her on a daily basis is going to start her juicing to be healthy. That's AWESOME! I'm so happy to hear that from people. :) Everyday, people are trying to do things to be healthy. I'll be back later to give you an update on dinner. Toodles!

Hello again, dinner time, I decided to do my Avojuice minus the cilantro. It still was a great drink, although hubby called it liquid guacamole. LOL. He liked the taste but not sure if he could drink it. I just drank mine and all I can say is it really fills me up when I do. I bought some bok choy to try out juicing and it juices beautifully, will let you know tomorrow how it goes. :) Have a great night everyone. See you tomorrow! :)

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