Monday, June 25, 2012

Half-way there! 15 DAYS! OMG!

It's Day 15, and I can't believe I've gone 2 weeks without meat, carbs, regular foods (with the exception of 2 situations). I don't feel sick, or deprived of food. The juices have filled me up, and snacking on nuts have been very important for protein. I'm making it. Now I'm going to do 15 more days to complete my fast and going to try other veggies these next two weeks. Juices will change up a little, try to do more veggie juices vs. fruit with veggies. I'm going to try to make sure that these two weeks are as cleansing as possible. I'll let you know how that goes. As far as this morning, I had my favorite juice... I got H2Omelon so I gotta make the mean red! :) For lunch it was oranges, celery, kale, ginger, cucumbers and carrots. But TONIGHT, I tried my V8 Avo drink. It was off the HOOK! Here are the pics! :)
Lime, Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Celery
Chard, Garlic, and 1/2 Jalapeno
Add 1 Avocado to the blender with
your juice.
Blend it, add a little salt and pepper.

This by far was the best avocado smoothie every. If you like avocado, and want to make a veggie drink. This is the ONE! Here is what I did:
4 stalks of celery
2 Roma tomatoes
2 tomatillos
1/2 of jalapeno deseeded
1 chard leaf
1 small bunch of cilantro
1 avocado only put in blender once you make your juice! 

The rest is history. Add a little salt & pepper and BAM! You got Avojuice. The best stuff ever. This makes me feel so good after I drink it. It's going to be in my menu this week again! :) See you guys tomorrow for the Weigh in! Gotta make tomorrow's juices! Have a great night! 

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