Today was weigh in day and as you can see I am down to 161 lbs. Which is a total of 8lbs lost. Not too shabby, especially knowing that I'm not exercising to much. I walked two times last week, and did some exercising at home. Nothing major, this week I will focus on more water, less nuts, and see if that jolts anything. I wasn't expecting too much on the weight loss, but I'm glad to see that I am dropping and not plateauing. Let's see how next week's weigh in factors in. I'll be glad to lose 16-18 lbs from this. The one thing that makes me happy is I feel better, and that's is key. I have a bigger appreciation for veggies and thinking of how to incorporate them daily once this fast is over.
People keep asking me how's your diet going? I keep explaining that this is not a diet. It's a cleanse, here is a great explantion of it.
This is how most diets go for the average American -- let's call him Joe...That's the best way it can be explained. What's also funny is today I get a call from someone who I worked with years ago. They decided after all these years to call because they heard through the grapevine that I'm in "Health Industry." Amazing how people think that because I like to blog that now I want to sell Health products. Needless to say, they wanted to talk to me about this new company, and how it's going to make me money.Etc. I stopped him right away and told them I wasn't interested, thanked them and got off the phone. I guess whoever read my blog didn't see that part that I am not interested in joining anything that involves me selling anything. I don't sell juice, I'm just sharing my experience from it. If you choose to join me, it's FREE. That's the way it should be. Join The Reboot is a free site that offers free information for people getting into juicing. Okay, done venting sorry. Back to the juicing. :)
Plan A: cut calories and increase activity. Ok, that sounds simple enough. After about a week or two, Joe will decide the one or two pound weight loss per week is not worth the hunger pangs, sweets cravings and grueling excursions at the gym.
Plan B follows, shortly after Joe person gets an invitation to his high school reunion and his ex-girlfriend's wedding reception. Plan B consist of salad, veggies, and more salad until he starts dreaming of cheeseburgers in the middle of his work day. Plan B usually lasts less than 24 hours -- followed by a guilt ridden, but jittery wait in the nearest fast food drive through.
Plan F: this is when Joe finally decides, "This is just how my body is supposed to look, and I'm tired of feeling guilty each time I eat a Twinkie. I'm never going to look like Brad Pitt!"
The problem with diets, and where they fall far short of nutritional cleansing, is in the following three areas: rapid weight loss, reduced/eliminated unhealthy cravings, and long term results.
Lets go over each of these in detail...
How does cleansing help you loose weight rapidly?
Believe it or not, cleansing is not actually designed to help you lose weight, but to assist the body in its overwhelming task of flushing impurities from your system. Your body actually produces fat to encapsulate impurities (toxic air, water and foods) that enter your body. Nutritional cleansing leeches those toxins from your cells and then, as a side benefit (and a very nice one, I will say) your body will let all that extra fat melt away quickly. When done correctly, you can expect to lose 5-10 pounds in your first 10 days of a good cleanse.
How does cleansing reduce cravings?
A healthy body craves healthy foods -- that is all there is to it. When you flush impurities from your system and flood your cells with intense nutrition, you won't crave junk food. Most junk food cravings are a sign that you desperately need a certain mineral in your diet. For example, when you are craving salty foods, like potato chips, you are most likely low on sodium or chlorine. A good nutritional cleanse will flood your cells with every vitamin and mineral it needs -- resulting in less or no cravings for junk.
How does cleansing help me lose weight long term?
When impurities enter your system, your body produces fat to coat these toxins. When you diet, you lose body mass, but you still have the same amount of impurities in your system. The effect -- your body senses increased levels of toxicity and goes into emergency fat production -- this is more commonly known as the REBOUND! This is why most diets help you lose weight, but almost inevitably, you gain the weight back, and then some.
When you choose to lose weight using a nutritional cleansing, your body sheds impurities which stimulates your body to release fat. There is no rebound with cleansing since the impurities are flushed from your system and your body doesn't need to produce excess fat.
Here are the facts: cleansing will improve your health and reduce your waistline more quickly than a traditional diet. Weight loss can be a frustrating experience, so take the guess-work and "hoping for results" out of it and start a nutritional cleanse today. You are guaranteed more health and less flab.
Morning juice today was H20melon including the rind (yes the green rind), carrot, beet and ginger. Very good, I enjoyed it immensely. I forgot to bring my nuts today (BIG FAIL for me) and what I have been doing to stop the hunger pangs is drinking tons of water. I even brushed my teeth to get my mind to get off of it. It got me through till lunch hour. Lunch juice was orange, kale, chard, carrot, and cucumber. Very yummy! I am having some Jasmin Tea right now, my body is rebelling that I haven't had any nuts but today I guess is my true juice fast because I have had no nuts today. LOL. For tonight, not sure what I want but I'll let you know. Chat laters!!!
Came home to find out that out water has been shut down for repair and it could be 4-5 hours of it being shut down. No water, no juicing, where to go... WHOLE FOODS!!! Had my usual and a nice can of Coconut wata! Gosh, I wish I were back in Belize, cocos are always available for fresh coco water. I love that stuff. While I was there I checked out the produce and the deliveries of fresh produce was coming out. So I bought some really fresh Kale. I was excited about it, which is not a norm for me. My hubby and I spoke about how we should implement new meal plans and include nuts, and different greens into our diet. If we want steak we only cook one and split it in half, share meat instead of cooking alot of it. I was very happy to hear he is looking to change the way we eat. Oh of course we keep juicing, just not as much. :)
When we got home, I ate some nuts (not a lot) and the water was back on. Yeeyay! That means I could make my juice. Stay tuned for tomorrows juices! Take care!!!
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