It's weigh in day, I didn't know what to expect and honestly, I wondered if I would even lose any weight. This morning I drank my 16 oz of water and I went to see my friend the scale and to my surprise. I did lose 2 more lbs! I was happy to see that the juicing is still working. I wish there was a way to see how my insides were doing? Are they cleaner, leaner, is my systems functioning better? All those questions run through my head constantly. Especially now that I'm in my 40's, the older you get the more you worry about how your health is doing.
It's was a trial and error day. My morning was my favorite, I had my Mean Red, watermelon, beet, and ginger. This morning a only had 1/2 of it and put water in it to see if it would fill me up and it did! Thankfully. For lunch I made a carrot based juice, carrots, kale, celery and 2 apples. It's become a usual to have a green juice for lunch. I taught myself not to be sad when someone was eating a hamburger with fries in front of me in the office. I just tell myself, all that grease is going straight to their arteries, and drinking it down with a soda. All that corn syrup, and pink slime grease going into your body. I started to feel sorry for them, because their young and they have no idea what they are doing to their bodies. While on a good note, last night I received a text late last from a friend. Her boyfriend and her watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and she texted: "I'm watching the movie and I want to juice for 30 days like you!!!" I get so excited when I hear people tell me that they watched that movie and get motivated to take the plunge into something that is so good for their health. My boss who is the "meat and potatoes" guy today tried my watermelon juice and told me. "Not bad, you can taste the vegetable in it but it's good, not sure if I can do 30 days." I was just happy he tried it. All it takes it just a taste to let them know that it's not all that bad. On the other hand, I have another person who is juicing and is struggling with it. They cannot drink the greens because they have never ate vegetables before. So what do they need to do? Start slowly and add them with good juice mixtures so they won't give up because it tastes bad.

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