Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 22, I'm getting anxious.. :)

Hello all,

It's day 22, and I'm getting excited that this is almost over, and figuring out my new diet that will continue from now on. This morning's juice was interesting because I made it yesterday after I made my dinner juice and I had juiced one garlic clove... NOTE TO FILE... If you juice garlic, take the blade and clean it before using it. It will come out in your juice. :( I had a Blueberry, celery, kale, cucumber with garlic. Eww... I drank it like a pro because when your in it like I am. You take the good with the bad! LOL... For lunch, I had a "B-Clean" juice from Whole Foods. It was Apple, beets, celery, and spirulina added. Very nice a bit too beety for me but it wasn't too bad.

I am so spoiled at Whole Foods, when you don't want to make your own it's just so easy to just drive there and get it fresh. My hubby spoils me the most by picking me up to take me there too. :) For dinner, I had a kale, carrot, cucumber, and apple juice. More kale than anything, it wasn't too bitter but it my hubby thought it was a bit "greener" than normal. Not every juice is going to be great. You'll have your days where you may have added too much of one and not enough of the other. That's all for tonight. Stay tuned for tomorrow's Juice day... Day 23 is DONE!


Escali Ultra Slim Health Monitor Digital Bathroom Scale

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