Do I still juice? Answer: Yes, I do, not 3 juices a day but at least 5-6 times a week. Or I stop at Whole Foods and buy a juice to get me "greens" in. I still make my mean greens, and mean reds and such. I am still addicted to juice. Which is a great thing.
Have I gained weight? Yes I have gain about 4 lbs back. Not bad, but at the same time I know if I need to lose it. I just go and do a 1 or 2 week juice fast and I know I will drop that weight and get back on track. I feel healthy, not lethargic or blah anymore. I have energy and if I don't eat right. I know I can fix that by making a super green, drink lots of water and for one or two days eat lots of greens. Doing that one knows we can cheat, just not go over board. I know what I need to do to fix it and feel better.
Am I eating more veggies? Honestly, I do try to eat more veggies, but I "drink" more veggies than eat them. I do like to make Kale Salad, Cabbage Crunch, and my awesome Avocado Mango Salad. Those are always in my recipe book. I am conscientious of what I eat and try to do more of a plant base diet. But I do enjoy my food. :) Hey I'm being honest.
Am I going back to the same bad foods? If you read my previous blog. I went back to my hometown and enjoyed some of my childhood favorite foods and restaurants. I'm not going to say I haven't had BBQ or Tacos. But I haven't eaten Fast food, like McDonald's or Taco Bell. I make sure I eat where the food is cooked fresh not processed foods. I balance how I eat, with bad comes the good. That's what one needs to do. Don't go overboard or over eat. Enjoy a little then go back to what your suppose to do. If you are at work, bring a apple, avocado, a bag of Spring mix and make a healthy salad. Put in a zip-lock bag, unsalted almonds, mint. green tea bags. Bring snacks for yourself so you won't snack on bad things. Don't starve yourself. Be happy and eat, make a better choice for you. that's what life is about.
In saying that, everyday I look in the Internet and find juicing recipes, learn about benefits of a fruit or veggie I haven't juice. I continue to educate myself to keep me motivated to stick with what I want to do. Every week I have someone who asks me "What's that GREEN Stuff your drinking? Why are you drinking that?" I tell them to watch one movie. "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" they watch it and next thing you know. I have another juicer buddy. Juicing is a great thing and I'm so glad to be part of a veggie revolution. It's a great thing and I hope that one day I could meet Joe Cross, and say "Thank you Joe for opening my eyes!"
Till the next time...
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