Sunday, September 23, 2012

Post Juicing. How's it going?

Hello my friends, it's been now about 3 months since my fast. I've decided due to the change of seasons. I will be doing a 7 day Juice fast to clean out everything and get a fresh start.

ABC Juice. Apple, Beet, Carrot
I still feel good, and I have gone back to eating meat again. Not as much but as we all have habits, old habits die hard. But the good thing is I do still juice at home and get juice at Whole foods all the time. That habit that I formed is still in me and knocks at my door if I skip even 1 day! I HAVE TO HAVE it! I still buy fresh veggies at the Farmers market almost every weekend. :) I'm glad that I did the 30 day juice challenge because it's really helped me develop my tastebuds to like veggies and fruits.

Also through this time I have gone back to working out. My foot problems are still there but I can no longer continue letting it take over my life and not let me live. So I started to do P90X with my husband. You wonder if I do it everyday? Honestly, no, I can't sometimes my feet are in pain and on top of that my entire body is sore so I sometimes skip a day or two. But I will commit to do it at least 3-4 times a week. Once I can regain my strength with my feet and body, who knows maybe my feet will stop hurting. I haven't gone back to the doctor because I know what my next step is. A stabilizer boot for 12 weeks. Six weeks on each foot, yeah that's not my cup of tea. I want to be able to go and do things and not be always sitting and relaxing my foot. Let's see what happens. I pray that working out will strengthen them and I will get better. Only time will tell.

I've also started (Today) drinking Golden Milk. This is a old Ayurvedic drink that helps with many different ailments. Here are some just for starts:
Boiling my 1st Golden Milk!
Joint Pain
Cleaning the liver
Digestive aid
Help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's or reduce symptoms
Prevents the build up of plaque in your arteries
Reduction of inflammation
Eliminates bad cholesterol (LDL)
Research it.

ALWAYS CONSULT A DOCTOR if you have severe medical issues. When in doubt just make a quick call and ask your doctor if you can consume Tumeric. :)

The list goes on and on. They say to ensure full benefits one should take this once a day or just before bedtime. It's all a learning to me and I actually liked drinking this milk. I made the paste and boiled 1 1/2 cups of Rice and Coconut Milked mixed together. Put the paste and continued to boil it. Added 1 tbsp of honey on the bottom of my cup and added the milk. I felt like i was drinking a exotic rich milk with a tad of sweet in it. I enjoyed it and to be honest I will try this for 40 days and see if I feel the benefits.

That's it for today. See you again real soon.